Save a Prayer is officially released!
We recorded the song back in 2011 as a track for the Lady of Fate EP/album but remained unreleased for copyright reasons. The song was originally performed by Duran Duran in the 80's and this is our rock cover.
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Jul 1, 2021
Save a Prayer
Dec 21, 2013
Brand New Life
We were not very active for a while. Just few days before Christmas and New Year's Eve we are going to release our new single, Brand New Life. The song was part of the unreleased album we recorded in London two years ago.
We included two bonuses, the instrumental and the edit version of the main track.
Everything can come to an end but it doesn't mean it's the end of everything, maybe it's just the beginning of something else.
We wish all of you a brand new year, a brand new start and a Brand New Life!
Nov 11, 2011
Lady of Fate
11-11-11 - Lady of Fate EP is out!
This is the first single from the album we recorded in London.
The tracks are recorded by Al&T at Bro Studios, mixed by Nick Radovanick at Skies Fall Studio and mastered by Alessandro Vanara.
Available on all online music stores it features three new tracks and two bonus tracks.
Tracklist is:
1. Lady Of Fate
2. The War - feat. Avion Shay
3. Map To Your Heart
bonus tracks:
4. Lady Of Fate (Rock Mix)
5. Lady Of Fate (Instrumental)
Nov 17, 2009
Bella, official video
The video was directed by Ludovico Galletti with Livio Barbirato as Director of photography and was recorded at Sacro Monte di Varese, not so far by Milano.
Our first idea was obviously to shoot the video in Volterra or Montepulciano but they seemed to be overbooked as they are the official locations of the New Moon movie and we had only few days to plan everything.
Hope you like it.
Oct 20, 2009
Bella CD Single
One month before the Twilight New Moon movie will be out, our song Bella is now available as a physical CD Single. An edit, shorter version of the song was already featured on the 5439 EP and our MySpace player.
We're glad to listen a lot of people saying this song would fit perfectly The Twilight Saga feelings and would be a great addition to the New Moon soundtrack. We sent our track to the music supervisor but after many attempts to receive a reply from them they finally answered saying they decided to not include our song in the official soundtrack.
The CD features three tracks: the main version of Bella and its instrumental version.The other track is an acoustic ballad titled Pray at the Moon. Since the main track of the single was intended to be about Edward and Bella, we decided to include this song for Jacob's fan too.
May 1, 2009
5439 EP
Our first EP is officially released.
Recorded by Andrea Fusin at Fusix Studio and mastered by Alessandro Vanara, the EP features four tracks.
Available on all music store.